Episode 92: Interview with Medha Patkar, social activist
In this interview, we talk with renowned Indian social activist Medha Patkar. She speaks about many of the social and environmental issues facing India for which she has been...
Episode 91: Interview with Professor Ioannis Ioannou, leading sustainability researcher at London Business School
In today’s episode, we speak with Professor Ioannis Ioannou on business sustainability four years after his first interview for this podcast. Professor Ioannou gives an overview of the progress...
Episode 90: Interview with John Dennis Liu, filmmaker and ecologist
In today’s episode we speak with John Dennis Liu on the large-scale disruption of ecosystems caused by human activity and the approach we must take to ecological restoration. Everyone...
Episode 89: Interview with Naomi Klein, author and activist
In this episode we speak with Naomi Klein, renowned author and activist on the state of crisis we’re in and the hope provided by Green New Deals. We’ve made...
Episode 88: Interview with Professor Mike Hulme on the culture and politics of climate change
Today we speak with Dr. Mike Hulme about climate change from an enlightening perspective that encompasses the relationship between science and policy, science and culture, the politics of climate...
Episode 87: Interview with Dr. Keir Milburn on generational politics, and Public-Commons Partnerships
Today we speak with Dr. Keir Milburn about the ongoing shift of young people to the left in the UK. In this interview, Keir notes how the material interests...
Episode 86: Interview with Professor Colin Mayer on corporate purpose
In today’s episode with Professor Colin Mayer, we look at the role of corporations in society. Colin believes that corporations must evolve from a focus on profit maximisation to...
Episode 85: Interview with Professor Maisa Rojas, COP 25 scientific coordinator
Today we talk about the expectations and outcomes of the COP 25 climate summit with Professor Maisa Rojas, COP 25 scientific coordinator. Professor Rojas hopes that this will be...
Episode 84: Interview with Noam Chomsky, pioneering linguist, social critic, and political activist on the environmental crises we are facing
Described by the New York Times as “arguably the most important intellectual alive,” Noam Chomsky is a pioneering American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, social critic, and political activist. Sometimes called “the father...
Episode 83: Interview with Nate Hagens on energy and sustainability
In this wide-ranging interview, Nate highlights the vital, and oft-overlooked, role that a systems synthesis plays in our understanding of the human predicament. Integrating human behavior, energy, money, economy,...
Episode 82: Interview with Unai Pascual, Ecological Economist
We are living in a very vulnerable, unprecedented situation–an ecological crisis which is as social as it is environmental. The way we look at technology and economic systems, and...
Episode 81: Interview with Dr. Robert Romanyshyn on Frankenstein, technology and climate collapse
In this episode, we speak with Dr. Robert Romanyshyn, a retired emeritus professor of clinical psychology. Prof. Romanyshyn is an internationally recognized scholar in depth psychology, which attends to...