Episode 55: Professor Daniel Nyberg discusses the challenges companies face maintaining their sustainability commitments to climate change over time
Daniel Nyberg is a Professor of Management at the Newcastle Business School in Australia. His main research focus is seeking to understand how corporations responsibly – or not so...
Episode 54: Dr Steve Cohen talks about the Sustainable City
As more and more cities transition away from the port and manufacturing hubs of old to brain-based, service leading economies of the future, a greater emphasis will be placed...
Episode 53: Deep dive on sustainable agricultural supply chains with Tobias Webb, founder of the Innovation Forum, a sustainability events and publishing company based in London.
Tobias Webb is the founder of the Innovation Forum, a sustainability events and publishing company based in London. Innovation Forum facilitates debate-driven events to help drive innovation and dialog. Through...
Episode 52 Interview with Professor Tim Jackson, Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey and Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP)
Tim Jackson is Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey and Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP). His vision for CUSP builds...
Episode 51: Interview with Georg Kell, the founder and former Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact, currently Chairman of Anglo-German asset manager, Arabesque Partners.
Georg Kell is the founder and former Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact. the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative with over 9,000 corporate signatories in more...
Episode 50: Interview with Paul Hawken, co-founder and Executive Director of Project Drawdown
In this interview, jointly with the Drawdown Agenda, Paul Hawken, the co-founder and Executive Director of Project Drawdown, discusses the inception and mission of Drawdown– and explains the research,...
Episode 200: Exploring the Austin edgelands: Christopher Brown discusses his latest book, A Natural History of Empty Lots.
In this thought-provoking episode, Christopher Brown—lawyer, novelist, and urban naturalist— takes us on a journey through the landscape...