Episode 175: Dr. Samantha Montano: Understanding Emergency Management in the Climate Change Era
In this episode, Dr Samantha Montano, an expert in disaster policy, discusses the U.S.’s approach to emergency management, specifically in the context of climate change. She highlights the complexity...
Episode 174: Interview with Professor Daniel Aldrich on resilience and the importance of social capital in post-disaster recovery, first aired October 2021
In this deep dive on resilience, Professor Daniel Aldrich gives a fascinating overview of different ways of thinking about resilience—focussing in particular on the kind of resilience that allows...
Episode 173: Interview with Scottish author Martin MacInnes on contemporary literature and the climate crisis
In-depth, frank, and fascinating exploration of contemporary literature’s response to current environmental crises, with Scottish writer Martin MacInnes, author of the recently published novel, In Ascension. Martin believes literature...
Episode 172: Professor Neta Crawford discusses the emissions of the Pentagon — the world’s largest single greenhouse gas emitter.
In this eye-opening interview, Professor Neta Crawford discusses the research in her new book The Pentagon, Climate Change, and War focussing on the huge carbon footprint of the Pentagon...
Episode 171: Interview with Dr Jeffrey Kiehl, climate scientist and Jungian analyst.
In this fascinating interview, first aired April 13th 2021, Dr. Jeffrey Kiehl brings to bear two very different ways of thinking about climate change: the scientific and the psychological—and...
Episode 170: Interview with renowned climate scientist Will Steffen, first aired in June 2020, on the dangers of “tipping cascades” that could pose an existential threat to civilization.
In this episode, Will Steffen discusses his research on cascading climate tipping points that pose a growing threat of abrupt and irreversible climate change.
Episode 200: Exploring the Austin edgelands: Christopher Brown discusses his latest book, A Natural History of Empty Lots.
In this thought-provoking episode, Christopher Brown—lawyer, novelist, and urban naturalist— takes us on a journey through the landscape...